Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thank You

Most people who click on the link to this blog update probably won't care very much about this entry. I'm just letting you know that right from the beginning. But I'm not writing this for most people. I'm writing this to a group of individuals who deserve to be recognized before they can be "recognized" by the fruits of their labor.

Last night was the last official cast meeting for the Age of Valor: Heritage audio drama that is in the works. I met this crazy cast of actors back in July when they all blew me away in the auditions for different roles. The talent I was presented with and the eagerness with which they all came aboard was really inspirational to me. Through our weekly meetings where we would go over lines and talk about random, crazy stuff that would make our meetings go way over the time they should have, they became more than just voices bringing my characters to life. They became friends. Some of them became like family.

So for my cast...I don't know how to say a proper thank you with my words. You have made me look forward to each and every Monday night and regret that our structured time together is over for now. I loved the silliness as much as I loved when we all buckled down, got into character, and really got into a scene. You have no idea how much you've inspired me. Not only were your kind, encouraging thoughts about the story and the characters themselves heartfelt, they made me even more determined to make the next books in the series something you would want to come back to, to reprise your roles and pick up new ones...something you can be proud of.

Every single one of you brought something amazing and unique to this cast, no matter how big or small your role was, and I am convinced each of you was meant to be who you are. Even if you died. ~_^ Your thoughts about the future of these characters and possible storylines have definitely had a hand in the future of this series and, as you all know by this point, even the silly things will live on somehow. It's all for the lentils, after all.

Thank you so much for bringing my characters to life in a way I never could have on my own. I can't wait until the whole thing is put together and finished so everyone else can finally hear what I have been privileged to hear all along. I hope you will be proud of it. And I can't wait to come back together and do it all over again for book two.

Love you guys.


  1. Awww...Diana, you are the inspiration and heart at the center of the group. Without you, it never would have happened. You may have had a group of people, but your cheerful demeanor and passion are a true inspiration.



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